To view these two giants of wellness talking side-by-side was the highlight of my TV week. Andy Weil, with his full white beard, exudes wisdom when he talks about holistic medicine.

Pointing to bottles of supplements set out neatly on a table, Weil discussed alternative medicines: bottles for the heart and blood pressure, bottles for the immune system, bottles for the brain. After this, he grinned at Dr Oz, jumped into the subject of depression, and mentioned two things that can be helpful.

First, about breathing. Weil illustrated a breathing technique, called 4-7-8 that he promised will make you feel better if you do it for a month:
1. For 4 seconds, breathe in through your nose
2. For 7 seconds, hold your breath
3. For 8 seconds, breathe out through your mouth making a deliberate shushing noise
Do this twice in a row, and twice each day.

Second, about thankfulness. Weil told the audience that gratitude is one key to offset depression. Practice gratitude by making a list every night of ten things that you are thankful for. Although ten seems like a large number, they can be simple things such as thanks for “my eyes that can see”, “my daughter who called to chat”, “coffee with friends”, etc. Weil promised that after a month you will begin to feel better. As many folks realize, this is also a scriptural injunction (see quotes below).

Although I have not read it, Dr Weil has also written a book called “Spontaneous Happiness”. While all the ads on TV show slim and smiling folks that have found happiness, for most of us it is quite elusive, and you know this book has to be packed with practical insights on this topic.

The Gray Nomad.
Probing the practice of Christian believers….

“Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus” (Thessalonians, chapter 5).

“Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful” (Colossians, chapter 3).
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Mary Ann Pollock
Mary Ann Pollock
12 years ago

This was a very interesting blog on Health and Wellness. I have actually tried the breathing technique and it does work. Dr Weil has written several good books on holistic medicine, and I think much of it goes along with your book Hiking Toward Heaven where you emphasize exercise (hiking) and positive thoughts (prayers). I love the way you take other people’s ideas and connect scriptures that go with them. Keep up the good work……I look forward to your blogs.

12 years ago

This is an insightful comment Mary Ann, as it connects the hiking exercise and positive attitude (which are embedded in my book) with Dr Oz and Dr Weil. Thank you for sharing.

Kim B
Kim B
12 years ago

I didn’t know about the breathing technique…just now tried it…very relaxing! I do the supplements and try to exercise (that ones my most challenging)….also focus on the blessings in my life (my family, friends, freedom to worship, my health, my home, my job, etc). I try not to watch too much TV or focus on the commercials of elusively happy people who are that way because they are beautiful, or successful, or skinny because of some product….instead try to focus on how God sees me and loves me unconditionally.

12 years ago
Reply to  Kim B

Dear Kim B, your list of things to be thankful for is helpful, as we generally take so many things for granted. Thanks for sharing. PS: my comment about the slim and smiling folks in TV ads was tongue-in-cheek!

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