I received this letter just this week, and it moved me. First of all I cried, and read it again, and then cried some more. Often, I have prayed that the Lord would use the book Hiking Toward Heaven to help someone to hope, and this is a beautiful example. This heartfelt letter comes all the way from Australia.

“My Mum Beryl Whitham died at the hospital in December 2011, and yes I read her your book during her last days. Your Mum had written a letter, and sent the book to my Mum, as they were very close friends all their lives. I read your Mum’s letter to my Mum each day. And I began reading your book to my Mum. Many tears were shed (mine not Mum’s). She said she was so proud of your achievement.

And she loved the story. She loved the photos, and remarked each time how you looked like your Dad. She reminded me she was your Godmother, and loved your family. The mountains and scenery you describe, she felt she was there, and I often had to re-read a particular description so she could imagine it right.

Mum had been told death was near, and while I cried she said ‘I have had a good life and lived long, and it’s in the Lord’s hands. Please don’t cry, as the Angels are all around you, helping you like they do in the book’.

She felt the hiking difficulties you had written about in the book were just typical life problems, and with Prayer all can be solved. Mum and I prayed each day, and when she couldn’t talk anymore I kept on reading. Whilst Mum enjoyed the book, she also felt it was good for me. So I kept on reading her favourite parts. I shared a very intimate time with Mum, knowing she was dying and just waiting.

Mum trusted the Lord, and said I just have to be patient because it’s in His hands. When the pain became too much, morphine was started, but after a few days, Mum passed away. She was 89 years, and accepted death graciously. She especially liked the thought of Heaven you wrote about. I thank you for writing the book, and am thankful to have had the privilege to read it to my Mum”.

This was written by Elizabeth Quailey of Sydney, Australia, and I am grateful to her for allowing me to share this intimate story. Elizabeth’s mother and my mother were best friends, and kept in touch all their lives. My mother will have her 90th birthday this year.

The Gray Nomad.
Probing the practice of Christian believers….

“But unto you who revere My name shall the Sun of righteousness arise with healing in His wings. And you shall go forth and gambol like calves released from the stall and leap for joy”. (Malachi, chapter 4, Amplified Bible).

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Scott Sholar
12 years ago

Thank you for sharing, and God bless you.

12 years ago

Ian, I have very much enjoyed all your blogs…….and it certainly seems like The Father is answering your prayers “that your book will have a positive impact on the readers”. You are an incredible and amazing fellow. How fortunate (it was a God thing) that we were able to entice you to leave Los Alamos and come to ORU back in the 70’s. I’m so glad that we got “re-engaged” following your recent seminar and visit to ORU. I’m fascinated with the work you have been doing in many different countries. May God continue to bless you and keep you in the palm of His hand.
In His Grip,

12 years ago
Reply to  Roger

Roger, its been a long time since you brought me over from Los Alamos to give my interview seminar at ORU. I have more than once reflected fondly of what you did to get me started back then. Thanks for the comment.

12 years ago

Thank you for sharing such a lovely, meaningful letter. You have blessed so many by your book “Hiking Toward Heaven.” This letter was special because you could tell it came from the heart. You have brought a touch of heaven to each of us with your words of wisdom and love for others.

12 years ago
Reply to  Marlene

Thanks for your encouragement Marlene. Yes it is a beautiful letter from Elizabeth.

12 years ago

Beautiful, Ian. As I read Elizabeth’s letter to you I remembered some of your stories in the book. How wonderful that your book played a significant part in precious moments a mother and daughter shared in their final days together on this earth. Often those times are spent with silence and unspoken thoughts and that is ok, but here it was sharing the stories from your book that let them share thoughts and feelings and be encouraged. Thanks for sharing Elizabeth’s letter.

12 years ago
Reply to  Sheila

Yes I am very grateful to Elizabeth for sharing this intimate experience with us. She has been very kind and understanding, especially since we have not seen each other in over 30 years.

12 years ago

I am sorry for the loss of your Godmother. I am glad though, that your story brought her comfort .

12 years ago

Really enjoyed this article post. Much thanks again. Cool.

12 years ago

So precious to witness the death of one’s Mother when one gives her up to God. He is there to take her Home and give her life we have never witnessed. It hurts, but God is so wonderful and we know heaven is great.

12 years ago
Reply to  Marie

Yes it still hurts, but the hurt is a little less when we know that the loved-one is going to heaven. When my Dad died a couple years ago, we tried to keep in mind that it was also a time of celebration…….of his past life……and of his new life in heaven.

Cleta Brookstein
12 years ago

Beautiful story, Ian! Thanks for sharing.

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