A Heart Warming Story of Hope – This is a modern-day story about a pre-teenage boy who never knew his father, and whose mother was a drug addict. When she was incarcerated, the boy lived with his grandmother. But then she died. The complete story, which takes place in Independence, Kansas, is an inspiring tale of hope and purpose and a future.

Hmm…..everyone seems to be watching Kyle. Independence High School are in white (click to enlarge photo).
Hmm…..everyone seems to be watching Kyle. Independence High School players are in white (click to enlarge photo, then click back button to return).

Kyle’s mother was an addict. Norma the grandmother received custody of Kyle when he was 7 years old. Norma eventually became ill, and received outside care during days. But at nighttime, Kyle was left to care for her.

The boy showed he had a big heart. Sometimes he had to sleep near her to be ready to help. At age 11, Kyle discovered his grandma on the bedroom floor, and ran to neighbors for help. She had suffered a stroke and died.

Subsequently, Kyle lived with an uncle for 9 months. In the meantime Doug and Robin, a couple living in Independence, thought a lot about Kyle’s situation. Although they already had two grown daughters (10 and 15 years older than Kyle), Doug had always wanted a son.

He envisaged fishing with a son in the local lake and catching large-mouth bass. To help out, Doug and Robin invited Kyle over for dinner several times, when they could also get to know him. They found him to be shy….a boy who didn’t talk much. But when Doug took him back to his uncle, the boy would hang his head sadly when he departed, and this pulled on Doug’s heart.

Doug and Robin considered adopting Kyle. However Doug was in two minds about this ……. he couldn’t help but wonder if he would miss the newfound freedom since his two daughters had left home. While Doug was working at his church one day, in desperation he cried out to God, “What do you want us to do?” As he walked past the cross inside the church, God said to him “Adopt Kyle”. Although it wasn’t an audible voice, the internal message was loud and clear, and Doug knew immediately what he was supposed to do. He told Robin they were supposed to adopt Kyle. She concurred.

Kyle plays good defense, with Bulldog mascot on the wall (click to enlarge photo). Tate Turner (number 2) also in the photo.
Kyle plays good defense, with Bulldog mascot on the wall (click to enlarge photo). Tate Turner (number 2) also in the photo.

When he arrived at his new home, Kyle was timid. He spent a lot of time with PlayStation. He ate everything cooked without complaint……because he didn’t want to risk upsetting his new family. Although he didn’t talk much, Kyle enjoyed sitting on Doug’s lap……a sure sign of a need for affection.

Kyle adapted rapidly after he joined his new family. He is now 17, and has been with the new family for 6 years. Kyle gets along well with his new parents, and his adopted sisters. He is doing okay in school-work, but there is room for improvement according to Kyle. As a junior Kyle is one of the best players on both the football (quarterback and wide receiver) and basketball (plays forward) teams…..The Bulldogs of Independence High School.

Religious backgrounds vary. Robin has been a Christian since she was young. Although Doug has vacillated a bit – was an atheist for a while because someone he knew well died unexpectedly – he is an active Christian now. Doug said with a smile that good things happen to the family because of Robin’s faith. Kyle was not taken to church by Norma, his grandma. Recently he has attended the Methodist church, where his adopted family go.

Kyle’s mom was released from jail a year ago. He has been in touch, but has kept the interaction limited because he recognizes that she wasn’t there for him.

Kyle shooting from the free-throw line. Bulldog cheerleaders in background (click to enlarge photo).
Kyle shooting from the free-throw line. Bulldog cheerleaders in background (click to enlarge photo).

Kyle’s goal is to obtain a scholarship to play football in college. He is inspired by the true-story movie called The Blind Side (with Sandra Bullock), where a family adopts a homeless high-school football player, and the boy eventually plays for the National Football League. It is also a story about hope.

Kyle is a good kid and has a good heart. As his mother Robin says, his and his family’s story in Independence, Kansas, is a true-love story! They truly never lost hope. I would add that this is a story of hope and unselfish action that would fit in well with the time that Jesus walked the earth.

Thank you Kyle and Doug and Robin for allowing us to interview you, and for approving this writeup. We really enjoyed getting to know you.


The Gray Nomad.
Probing the practice of Christian believers……

Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world. (Book of James, chapter 1).

But when the fullness of the time had come, God sent forth His Son, born of a woman, born under the law, to redeem those who were under the law, that we might receive the adoption as sons. And because you are sons, God has sent forth the Spirit of His Son into your hearts, crying out, “Abba, Father!” Therefore you are no longer a slave but a son, and if a son, then an heir of God through Christ. (Book of Galatians, chapter 4).

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Steve Orr
9 years ago

Hope springs eternal. I am the uncle. When my sister Norma’s (Kyle’s grandmother) health began to fail, I promised her that I would do what was best for Kyle. When Doug approached me about adopting Kyle, after much thought and prayer, we decided to let him visit for a weekend. There was already a pre-existing friendship through mutual friends and sports. When Kyle returned from that weekend visit, he absolutely lit up. In his own extremely timid way, I could tell he was as excited and happy as he had been in a very long time. I truly felt a bond was formed and that Love would grow and surround him. It all seemed to be perfect. The story of Kyle’s Life has many twists and turns, but basically the rest brings us to now. I am more than thankful for the Love and Guidance that Doug and Robin have provided for Kyle. Now I truly feel that the promise I made to my sister has been fulfilled. God Bless the child, Kyle Lee, and God Bless Doug, Robin and their Family.

9 years ago
Reply to  Steve Orr

Dear Steve. Thanks for filling in a crucial part of Kyle’s story. I can see your hand in this, as well as Doug and Robin’s. And I can see God’s hand in the whole series of events after Norma died. The story reminds me of the Bible story of Joseph in Egypt. Lots of pain and suffering before God redeemed Joseph to become second-in-command of Egypt. Redemption stories, both of them!

Mary A Pollock
Mary A Pollock
9 years ago

I love this story and it touches my heart every time I read it. It was a great idea to write a blog about a love story that touches so many people. It is a great blog.

9 years ago
Reply to  Mary A Pollock

Thank you Mary Ann for helping with and reviewing the story. I much appreciate Kyle and Robin and Doug for being willing to share the story…. It is an inspiration to me.

Karen Larre
9 years ago

What a beautiful, heart-warming story! Thank you so much for writing it! I love it!

9 years ago
Reply to  Karen Larre

Thank you Karen for complimenting the story. Much appreciated.

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