Mental toughness with Jaden and Alyse
FRACMAN CONFLICTED.I am excited. My new novel, FracMan Conflicted, is being printed. Release date is March 2020 by Deep River Books. Here is a short review by Brian Morrison of Albuquerque, New Mexico:
After all these years I finally have an idea what fracking really is, and the correlation to earthquakes. With the wonderful love … More “Mental toughness with Jaden and Alyse”

Some Truths about Love. Part 1.
I dedicate this blog to Sarena and Staci and Mary Ann and Alison (my mother)…..four women who have demonstrated remarkable strength and faith, hope, and love in the face of physical adversity. This is my 100th blog….thank you Lord for 100 opportunities to write.
Love may be the most misunderstood word in the English language. … More “Some Truths about Love. Part 1.”