What does it mean to be Born Again?
Richard Dawkins, the world’s most famous atheist, recently found himself in a discussion about the religious term “born-again experience”. He wasn’t expecting this, which made the video even more interesting. But first, lets discuss what the term means.
William James defined it. In his book The Varieties of Religious Experience (1902), William James describes the … More “What does it mean to be Born Again?”

Aayan Hirsi Ali, well-known atheist, becomes a Christian, gets criticized by Richard Dawkins.
Who is Aayan Hirsi Ali? Aayan was born in Somalia 54 years ago to a Muslim family. She speaks up for Muslim women against forced marriage, child marriage, honor killing, and genital mutilation.
She underwent genital mutilation when she was 5 years old. Her father opposed it but he was in jail when her grandmother … More “Aayan Hirsi Ali, well-known atheist, becomes a Christian, gets criticized by Richard Dawkins.”

The God-Letter…What Einstein believed about God.
WHATS IN THIS BLOG: • Einstein is a hero to me. • TV series called Genius. • The God Einstein believed in. • Richard Dawkins missed out. • Einstein defined happiness. • The full God-letter.
ALBERT EINSTEIN IS A HERO TO ME. Always has been. E = mc2 and all that. I was trained as … More “The God-Letter…What Einstein believed about God.”