MA: One tough lady with a shoulder replacement.
MARY ANN has had chronic pain for 30 years. Several lower back surgeries, neck fusion, fibromyalgia, RA (rheumatoid arthritis). On top of all this, she has to take oxygen all the time, and a C-PAP at night to help her sleep apnea. She has suffered more than anyone else I know.
In the past two … More “MA: One tough lady with a shoulder replacement.”

A documented answer to prayer
WHEN PAIN IS SO BAD YOU CRY OUT IN THE NIGHT: My good friend Mary Ann lives in Kansas. She was having migraines when I got in on the story……pounding migraines that completely immobilized her. She could do nothing but go to bed. This went on for almost two months. The migraines appeared like clockwork….every … More “A documented answer to prayer”

Finding hope and joy in Santa Fe.
WHAT KIND OF EVENT DOES THE FOLLOWING REMIND YOU OF: A small group of a dozen men meeting for two hours on a Saturday morning. Ages range from 40-something to almost 90. Singing gustily along with a three-piece band. Eating an excellent breakfast from a Mexican menu. Listening to a guest speaker share how his … More “Finding hope and joy in Santa Fe.”

Inspiring Stories: Praying versus Offering Tangible Help
Inspiring Stories – This article is dedicated to Garland and Sylvianna, who are featured below and are also getting married this coming Saturday. Congratulations!
Praying is good. Offering tangible help is good. Praying is easy. Offering and providing tangible help is harder. The following are some inspiring recent examples of tangible help that have come … More “Inspiring Stories: Praying versus Offering Tangible Help”

Insights from God in regard to puppies, watches, and technical problems.
As a teenager, my father told me about an answered prayer. As a watchmaker, he misplaced a tiny part while he was cleaning a watch. Frustrated after a long search, he paused for a minute and prayed. He told me that his hand moved across the desk and lifted a small cover, and the missing … More “Insights from God in regard to puppies, watches, and technical problems.”

How to pray for someone who is sick
“Hey Corey. How would you pray for someone who is sick?” We had hiked in to Petroglyph National Monument, on the outskirts of Albuquerque, and were resting under an Anasazi image of a lizard pecked by hand into a dark volcanic boulder, possibly as long as 800 years ago. There may be 24,000 such carved … More “How to pray for someone who is sick”

The Japanese women’s soccer team
The Japanese women’s soccer team
In the recent World Cup of Womens Soccer, the championship was between the USA and Japan. “Did you hear what went down in their dressing room before the game?” she asked excitedly. “Whose dressing room” I demanded. “The Japanese”, she replied. “They passed around pictures of the wounded and the … More “The Japanese women’s soccer team”