Largest-ever wildfire in New Mexico burns houses, other structures, and hiking trails.
Hermits Peak wildfire.Hermits Peak in the Pecos Wilderness is a dramatic sight as you drive on I25 from Albuquerque north to Denver. A great gash appears, like the mountain was sliced with a gigantic knife. The Peak sits close to the El Porvenir river in Figure 1 below.
The Hermits Peak fire was started by … More “Largest-ever wildfire in New Mexico burns houses, other structures, and hiking trails.”
Hiking in the Crater of a Volcano – Valles Caldera.
Valles Caldera is the name of an extinct volcano that was 300 times as big as Mt Saint Helens. It lies not far from Los Alamos, where they built the A-bomb, and where I lived in 1972.
It blasted its top 1.5 million years ago. The town of Los Alamos is built on one of … More “Hiking in the Crater of a Volcano – Valles Caldera.”
Hiking toward Heaven – East fork of Jemez River
WHATS IN THIS BLOG: • The Jemez River and its scenic beauty. • Hiking to a perfectly lovely waterfall.
The Jemez River starts in the Jemez Mountains about 1.5 hours drive from Albuquerque. Soon after this you come to the Valle Grande – an immense crater left after a series of volcanoes about a million … More “Hiking toward Heaven – East fork of Jemez River”
How do we think about God?
“Do you think about God using your analytical mind?” she asked. I was sitting at a desk in a bookstore……signing a copy of my book for this young woman. She was a scientist employed at the big government lab in Los Alamos. “I use both analytical and intuitive modes”, I replied, “but my natural bent … More “How do we think about God?”