Category: Health and Hiking

Cancer treatment – Another quantum leap?

The following is adapted from an article in BBC News dated January 20, 2020. To read the full article, click HERE.   HISTORY. Immunotherapy is adapting our body’s own immune […]

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Cancer Immunotherapy: More testimonies.

Some of the following story is adapted from a BBC News report by Philippa Roxby Health, dated 23 November 2019. The original trial of ipilimumab was in 2005. It’s a […]

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Traveling to reality: Australia Part 2

I took a second trip while in Australia to north-east Queensland where the tropical forest and sugar-cane fields were totally green. And I saw a part of the Great Barrier […]

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Hiking toward Heaven: Durango Deeper

WHATS IN THIS BLOG:Rafting on the Animas river.Hiking along the Purgatory Flats trail.A roadside hot spring.An outstanding Mexican restaurant. I WENT BACK TO DURANGO. With my step-daughter Kim and my […]

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