Fracking and Global Warming: What’s the Connection?
I gave a talk this past week called Fracking and Global Warming: What’s the Connection? I appreciate the invite by Dr John Korstad who teaches two different courses on Sustainability at Oral Roberts University (ORU).
Sustainability is getting to be a hot subject: it implies conserving the present environment for our grand-kids, to use a … More “Fracking and Global Warming: What’s the Connection?”

Oil and Gas Boom may boost New Mexico’s lifestyle ranking.
WHATS IN THIS BLOG: • The Delaware basin. • How much oil? • Budget surplus. • Will the shale oil boom improve New Mexico living conditions? • What about wind and solar?
THE SAN JUAN BASIN. We’ve always had the mighty San Juan basin, in the northwest of the state, but that’s been predominantly a … More “Oil and Gas Boom may boost New Mexico’s lifestyle ranking.”

Wind energy and fossil energy: can they co-exist?
Wind energy and fossil energy – This is a long blog. But richly informative if you want to know more about the debates on global warming, fossil energy, and renewables. It’s also based on data and facts (real facts). I have tried to strike a balanced approach. This blog is written for the layman, as … More “Wind energy and fossil energy: can they co-exist?”

A perfect storm in South Australia
WHATS IN THIS BLOG: • What’s a perfect storm doing down under? • Unbelievable impact of the storm.
SOUTH AUSTRALIA, IS A STATE LARGER IN AREA THAN TEXAS, but with far less population – just 1.7 million. Furthermore, it’s a dry state. For instance, three quarters of the state gets less than 10 inches of … More “A perfect storm in South Australia”