Anniversary of a killer tornado
WHATS IN THIS BLOG: • May is tornado month. • Examples of the damage from the Moore tornado. • Whats a safe room? • How many safe rooms in the Moore school district?
PREAMBLE: I have made a few more videos (most of them less than 2 mins) on the subject of Fracking for Dummies … More “Anniversary of a killer tornado”

What is Oklahoma’s government doing about fracking and earthquakes?
WHATS IN THIS BLOG: • The latest on fracking and earthquakes in Oklahoma. • The role of Oklahoma’s government in dealing with this problem. • Keys to problem-solving: diversity and collaboration.
THE GOVERNOR IS MARY FALLIN. THE SECRETARY OF ENERGY AND ENVIRONMENT IS MICHAEL TEAGUE. Wait, Energy and Environment together??? These two are usually on … More “What is Oklahoma’s government doing about fracking and earthquakes?”

Oklahoma Wild: Tornadoes and Earthquakes
If you’re goin’ to Oklahoma, don’t go in the month of May!
If you live in Oklahoma or Kansas, please be careful today or tomorrow (May 7 and 8, 2015). Tornado Alley forms in May, and stretches from Texas north to Nebraska. It includes Kansas and Oklahoma.
But Oklahoma always seems to get hit the … More “Oklahoma Wild: Tornadoes and Earthquakes”