Should we trust science?
Andy Stanley is a preacher and a highly-rated Christian apologist. Son of Charles Stanley, a famous Baptist minister, Andy has forged his own way and formed an independent Christian church that makes videos of his messages available on YouTube.
He once said when we are sick, we go to a doctor and if the doc … More “Should we trust science?”
The first pictures from the new James Webb Telescope – mind-blowing insights to our universe.
This week, the first images from the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) were released by NASA. The telescope replaces the Hubble, with a much larger mirror geared to infra-red wavelengths which can (1) pass through dust clouds, and (2) recognize older stars and galaxies by their red-shifts.
JWST was a $10 billion joint effort between … More “The first pictures from the new James Webb Telescope – mind-blowing insights to our universe.”
The most distant star ever discovered, and it’s really really old.
Hubble Space Telescope.A new star has been discovered by the Hubble Space Telescope, which has been turning up amazing pictures of space for 32 years. The new star is called Earendel, a name that means “morning star”.
Earendel is a primordial star that existed in an ancient time – soon after the Big-Bang explosion that … More “The most distant star ever discovered, and it’s really really old.”