Aayan Hirsi Ali, well-known atheist, becomes a Christian, gets criticized by Richard Dawkins.
Who is Aayan Hirsi Ali? Aayan was born in Somalia 54 years ago to a Muslim family. She speaks up for Muslim women against forced marriage, child marriage, honor killing, and genital mutilation.
She underwent genital mutilation when she was 5 years old. Her father opposed it but he was in jail when her grandmother … More “Aayan Hirsi Ali, well-known atheist, becomes a Christian, gets criticized by Richard Dawkins.”
For young people: Is Christianity no longer relevant?
>Europe is becoming more and more secular, and so is my original country of Australia. Over there, some beautiful old stone churches, now empty of worshippers, have been converted into boutiques or ice-cream shops. In the USA, where most people believe in God, young people are into sports, work, clothes, I-phones, and fitness. But many … More “For young people: Is Christianity no longer relevant?”
Kansas and the NCAA men’s final: Is Christian faith just a crutch?
This question implies that as a Christian you are weak-minded, and need a crutch. A simple counter-argument is provided by three figures in the national sports news: Tim Tebow, Jeremy Lin, and Bill Self. Tebow and Lin you know about from my previous blogs. They are outstanding Christians, in the maelstrom of highly-competitive sports, and … More “Kansas and the NCAA men’s final: Is Christian faith just a crutch?”
Forgive versus reconcile: is there a difference?
A Tebow-like character has emerged in the NBA, the US professional men’s basketball association. Jeremy Lin came out of nowhere in February to play as point guard for the New York Knicks. The team had lost several games in a row, and it looked like they would not make the playoffs. Lin, who was sleeping … More “Forgive versus reconcile: is there a difference?”
A week in the life of Jakarta, Indonesia
Jakarta is a city of 10 million inhabitants. To get there I flew from Los Angeles to Singapore and this one leg took 16 hours! In Jakarta the traffic was nuts. I arose at 5 am and left at 6 am, to beat it to the office. Our driver was full of smiles, even at … More “A week in the life of Jakarta, Indonesia”
How to build your willpower
According to a recent article in Time Magazine*, the CEO of your brain is the prefrontal cortex, which is right at the front of the brain. This “higher brain” has to control the “decadent” appetites of your midbrain which sits on top of the spinal cord….. eating, shopping, gambling, sex, or drinking. The things that … More “How to build your willpower”
The Japanese women’s soccer team
The Japanese women’s soccer team
In the recent World Cup of Womens Soccer, the championship was between the USA and Japan. “Did you hear what went down in their dressing room before the game?” she asked excitedly. “Whose dressing room” I demanded. “The Japanese”, she replied. “They passed around pictures of the wounded and the … More “The Japanese women’s soccer team”