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The Gray Nomad playing the didgeridoo. It’s hard to see, but the hat I’m wearing has corks dangling to keep away the flies… an Aussie trick.

Kim McGrath invited me to talk to her first-graders about Christmas in Australia. So with my rabbit trap, boomerang, and didgeridoo, I turned up in December 2018 at her first-grade class at Independence Elementary school in Kansas. Six-year olds!

I can make a noise with the didgeridoo, and the kiddos found this entertaining.

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Kim hiking the east fork of the Jemez river in the Jemez mountains. Click on any pic to enlarge it, then back-arrow to return to blog article.

Miss McGrath is a top-notch teacher. She modulates her voice wonderfully, is always encouraging, and corrects her students gently when its needed. And she is multi-tasking every minute of the day. After an hour and a half presenting to her class, I was exhausted. My esteem for such teachers, who do this all day and all week, went up through the ceiling.

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Climbing around the red rocks that Gallup, New Mexico, is famous for.

Kim is also a premier hiker. When she visits New Mexico, she’s passionate about everything from pretty stones in a creek-bed, to Indian pottery shards that are 700 years old, to deer hiding in the underbrush, and to peregrine falcons gliding among the sandstone cliffs. To read more about Kim’s hiking exploits, click HERE.


The song-skit was a big success, with students joining in enthusiastically. Kim created the kangaroo ears for the six white boomers and one of the teachers kindly recorded the video. I have to admit I enjoyed leading the class and am grateful to Kim for the opportunity.

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Video of skit in first-grade class (less than 3 mins). Click picture to watch video. Then stop video and hit back-arrow to return to blog article.

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PS: I write blogs about three topics:  Inspiration and Hope, Science and Energy, Health and Hiking.

The Gray Nomad ….. Take on a challenge.
If you want to grow and become vibrant, successful and alive, live all your life on tiptoe stretching and reaching for new things.
[Roko Paskov]

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6 years ago

Delightful Ian. You have a wonderful way with the children. Good service preformed for the children, teacher and education system. The children will never forget your personal gift to them.

6 years ago

This is great Ian!

6 years ago

That’s awesome. Good for you. Enjoy.

Karen Larre
Karen Larre
6 years ago

Fabulous, Ian. I love this one.

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