Helping someone to hope – in Mexico
• The Good Samaritan story in brief.
• A modern-day example of helping someone not like us.
One of my favorite stories of Jesus is the Good Samaritan. A man was beaten and left for dead in a pitiless desert on the way to Jericho. Two leaders of the Jewish church ignored the man – their compassion trumped by their ritual religious rules. A Samaritan, despised by the Jews, stopped to help. Patched the man up, put him on his donkey, and took him to an inn where he payed the innkeeper to oversee the man’s recovery.

The story is about compassion in action, even though apparently the Samaritan was a businessman with his own pressing goals (he left the innkeeper with money to care for the beaten man).
BUT IT’S ALSO ABOUT HELPING SOMEONE WHO IS NOT LIKE US. First, the beaten man was presumably Jewish, and the Samaritan must have had second thoughts about helping a Jew who probably disliked all Samaritans, or worse, hated them. Second, the beaten man probably looked to the Samaritan like a homeless person looks to us as we avoid their car-searching eyes at a stoplight.
The story below is a graphic story about a 13-YEAR-OLD MEXICAN GIRL WHO WAS VICIOUSLY RAPED only about a month ago. And it’s about three men who stopped to help. One is Mexican (Heime), the other two live in the USA (Dan and John). Below are successive emails which summarize the story.
It was not possible to talk with the family I told you about yesterday, because they were not at home. It is a delicate subject, because a week ago, a 13 year old girl was raped by a guy who escaped (yesterday was caught). He tried to kill her but she survived and was sent to a bigger hospital in Monterrey city, MX.
The girl is not a member of the church, but it doesn´t matter because she really needs the help. I wanted to be sure about the situation, before talking with you, so this evening my wife and I will visit them. I know they are deeply sad.
Tonight I visited the family, and the girl is getting better, but unconscious yet. There are really sad things that she suffered that are inexpressible. Even the fact to tell about this event hurts my soul…the recovery will be slow.
But there are also many good people that are helping the family, neighbors and friends. For example they told me there were some Baptists who helped them with a place to live in Monterrey while they were in the hospital. Also some neighbors collected some money to help. Even an AA group helped the family. And a group of clowns presented a show in downtown to collect money. There are phone calls from friends and angels all around trying to help.
Thank you two for being part of this group of angels.
Your friend
It is my pleasure to tell you that tonight I visited the family and gave them the funds you two sent. My wife and I have just been with them, they arrived home yesterday, but they didn´t answer my phone calls until today.
The girl went through another surgery on her head. But she cannot talk yet.
She starts moving her fingers and her arms. Her eye is still recovering. She is improving
slowly but is getting better. Many prayers have been answered.
I explained Christ is close to us, His promises, His miracles and His heavenly help…and this was the reason for our visit.
I explained about my two friends from USA who sent me funds to help people in need. I told them this was heavenly help. The sister said you were angels, and she cried… I feel so blessed for having such a sacred experience.
Thank you Dan and John,

Heime is a Bishop in the LDS church in a town in Mexico. Dan is an LDS member but John is a member of an evangelical church. Dan and John are friends but live in different states. They reached out to help a beaten child who was not a member of the church. Like the Samaritan….the child was from another country and they were helping someone not like themselves.
POSTSCRIPT 1: It took a big effort for Dan to send the money safely to Mexico, so as not to put the Bishop at risk in a town heavy with crime.
POSTSCRIPT 2: If you would like to help the girl and her family in Mexico, please make a check out to me, and I will forward any donation to Dan and John. 10140 Arroyo Crest Drive, NW, Albuquerque, NM 87114. USA dollars go a lot further in Mexico than they do here.
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The Gray Nomad …..Help someone to hope
Come take my hand and lead me,
Come walk before me that I might see,
Come walk by my side that I might not stumble,
Come bear me up that I might be made humble.
Go before me, lead me on my way,
Go before me that I might not stray,
Go with me the distance, bear me up lest I fall,
Go with me all the way let me ever hear Thy call.
Let Thy Spirit be upon me,
Let my eyes clearly see,
Let not my heart grow weary,
Let my countenances be warm and cheery.
Establish my soul in Thy promises,
Establish my life in Thy light,
Establish my hope in Thy atonement,
Establish my joy in Thy grace.
Go before me lead me on my way,
Go before me day by earthly day,
Go before me that I might always be,
In Thy care now and through all eternity.
By Don Minton 2003
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Thanks Ian for reminding all of us of the opportunities which are presented each day to serve others. Service was a main theme of the Savior Jesus Christ’s life, ministry and teachings. The Apostles carried these teaching and actions into their lives after their beloved leader had ascended into Heaven, to await His return, or “second coming.” I have always liked the account of the Good Samaritan, as taught by Jesus Christ. In effect it tells me that, since Jesus has taken time to treat my wounds of sin, my sorrows, physical ailments, give me new life, by His atoning sacrifice, and then continue His loving care, then I should extend that same love and care to others. I like that in your blog so many different groups of people exemplified Jesus’ teachings and actions, by reaching out with financial and personal help to this family, which was in great need. I expect they are still healing, and still in great need for loving help.