Depressed or not
• Feelings of uselessness, worthlessness, and depression.
• Dr Hogsett’s take on this.
• Some valuable solutions.
• John and an immigrant.
• Breaking news: test for clinical depression
• Staci’s FitBit.
Just to clarify: each of my blogs centers on one of three things: (1) Inspiration and Hope, or (2) Science and Energy, or (3) Health and Hiking. The last blog about stress and this one about depression fall into box number (3).
I WENT TO CHURCH LAST SUNDAY, AND WAS GREETED BY A TALL STATUESQUE BLONDE LADY. She was friendly and complimented me on my jazzy belt from New Mexico. I found out she was Dr Anne Hogsett from Coffeyville Medical Center, Kansas. She once wrote an article in the Independence Reporter about depression. She was answering a question from a lady who was 84. The lady asked a sad, sad question:
Dear Dr Anne, I am 84 years old and my doctor thinks I am depressed. I say I am NOT depressed, I am simply being realistic about my uselessness from here on out.
This caught my attention, because for several years I have occasionally asked myself the same sad question. I think after a person turns 60, this question does begin to intrude into their mind.
The answer from Dr Hogsett was directed to an 84-year old, but I felt like she was talking to folks over 60, and maybe even younger people too. I include below, as bullets, excerpts of her answer:
• If you know how to crotchet or knit or embroider… one of the elementary schools and volunteer to teach your craft to a child after school.
• If you are one of those lucky people blessed with a green thumb….. what if you taught one child the joy of gardening?
• If you are a strong swimmer…..teach someone that skill. How often do we lose someone in our lakes or floods because they are not strong swimmers?
• If you are a rancher or hunter or fisherman…… pass on that knowledge and those skills. They must be taught and taught carefully for safety.

• In Independence, our wonderful head librarian is dying for volunteers, of almost any age.
• What if you nagged three friends into going for a walk with you every day?
• Be a surrogate grandparent. So many kids are struggling – take a kid to church, or just be there for support and guidance.
• Find a charity you want to support with your time, or effort, or money.
• Age will no doubt be frustrating at times.
• But in your lifetime I bet you’ve already been through much tougher times than the stress of extra volunteering.
• Feelings of uselessness or worthlessness are cardinal signs of depression. But I guarantee you are NOT useless.
• Your wisdom and experience are needed by the community.
• And giving to others is a huge part of treating depression.
• Please don’t give up on yourself.
I HAD LUNCH TODAY WITH JOHN, about 45 years old, who agreed once a week to walk 4 miles while teaching an immigrant from Columbia how to better speak and pronounce English….. so he can enhance his job prospects.
Google has teamed up with a mental illness group to provide Americans with a test to check if you are depressed or mentally ill. People in the US who type “clinical depression” in Google search via a mobile device will now be invited to check if they are clinically depressed via a screening questionnaire. The partnership, announced Wednesday, has been developed by Google and the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI).

In a blog post on Google, the CEO of NAMI Mary Giliberti, said she wanted to use Google to increase the proportion of U.S. citizens who actually seek help for depression.
“Clinical depression is a very common condition, in fact, approximately one in five Americans experience an episode in their lifetime.
“However, despite its prevalence, only about 50 percent of people who suffer from depression actually receive treatment,” Gilberti said.
Google said those who click through from the search suggestion will see a “Knowledge Panel” which will give you an option to “check if you are clinically depressed”.
The test, called a PHQ-9, is described by the search engine as a clinically validated screening questionnaire and is designed to test what level of depression a person may be suffering.
MY STEP-DAUGHTER STACI told me that the day before she clocked up 17,000 steps on her FitBit. Her eyes glowed, she was so proud. Now I’ve heard of 11,000 steps in a day, which is a pretty high number. But 17,000? So I asked Staci what activities she did on that day. Well, she said, I fed the chickens and the ducks, and collected the eggs. And I worked in the garden, pulling weeds and picking tomatoes and peppers. And I went to Walmart.
Nothing else, I asked? Well JC and I rode our horses in the morning, Staci said. Aha! The light bulb went on. Your FitBit was counting the horse-steps as well as your steps, I suggested. And the horse makes four steps to every two human steps. I leaned back. Your horse probably contributed 10,000 steps to your FitBit, and maybe you contributed the other 7,000. And finally, if a horse with four legs were to run, the number of FitBit steps would spike upwards.
Staci shook her head, but had to laugh. When I warned her with a smile: I’m gonna tell everyone I know about your 17,000 fake steps, her bright eyes twinkled. Don’t you dare, she said.
The Gray Nomad ….. help someone to hope
Let my teaching fall like rain
and my words descend like dew,
like showers on new grass,
like abundant rain on tender plants.
[From book of Deuteronomy, chapter 32].
Discover more from Ian Dexter Palmer Ph.D
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I love the fake steps story…. and you are so smart my friend to figure it out. I would’ve thought the same thing — that it was I, not the horse’s extra legs.
I’m not 60 yet….But I better start up my volunteer work again. Like I used to do many years ago. I developed strong friendships and it was very rewarding…..and led to happy days.
Thanks for sharing and also for the Doctor’s Comments.
Yes, volunteering can be quite rewarding, Patricia, I thoroughly agree. Had a conversation at lunch about how helping someone else is a great antidote when a person feels sorry for themselves, or when they are depressed. Psychologists know this.
This is a great blog. So many people fight depression. This is great information from Dr Hogsett. We are lucky to have her in Independence.
PS: Friday, my horse and I reached 20,648 steps on my FitBit. We are a great team. LOL
As a nurse, Staci, your comment about numbers of people affected by depression is especially meaningful. Thank you, and keep up your horse exercises!
I’m continually surprised by apparent broad community acceptance that once people get old, they are of little use. I liked your suggestions of the myriad things older people can do to fill real needs in the community and hope many take courage to have a go. I met an 83 year old man recently who volunteers with a tourist railway – he proudly uses a big electric circular saw bench to cut up old sleepers (railroad ties) which the engineers use to light up the steam locomotives. He is a valued part of the team, and looks set to keep going for a good many years yet.
The 83-year old is a great example Neil. Thank you for sharing his story.
Wonderful, wonderful information. More info is out there and the issue still remains mostly unknown. Thank you for contributing to this most important conversation!
Yes the conversation is important Karen. Although many adults have experienced depression, there are simple curative steps, as the article reveals.
This is a great blog with valuable information about depression. You are right about depression hitting people 60 years of age and older. It also seems that people of all ages are having bouts of depression maybe because of the times we are living in. Young people have so much peer pressure and that can cause depression. Older people can have depression because of pain and loneliness. Dr Hogsett’s advice is really good, especially about helping others.
Thanks for the insight about young people and depression, Mary Ann. Right on!