Travel Diamond – One Home run and One Strikeout. Part 2.
Part 1 — The Home Run – was a positive experience about a mystery lady who showed up on a trailbike and challenged our thinking about restrictions on TV and smart phones for children living at home. You can read about Part 1 here.
To add to the debate over social media, the Surgeon General … More “Travel Diamond – One Home run and One Strikeout. Part 2.”
Hiking in the Crater of a Volcano – Valles Caldera.
Valles Caldera is the name of an extinct volcano that was 300 times as big as Mt Saint Helens. It lies not far from Los Alamos, where they built the A-bomb, and where I lived in 1972.
It blasted its top 1.5 million years ago. The town of Los Alamos is built on one of … More “Hiking in the Crater of a Volcano – Valles Caldera.”