Why is it so hard to apologize and forgive?
Fred and Susie. Let’s say Fred and Susie get into an argument because Susie is angry over something Fred did. Fred gets defensive. Susie says something that is deep and personal, so deep it cuts into Fred like a machete and he stops talking. When she sees this, Susie says, “I shouldn’t have said that, … More “Why is it so hard to apologize and forgive?”

Forgiveness – How and when to forgive.
OLD-FASHIONED SPIRITUAL WORDS. It is said that old-fashioned words, from the Bible for example, are going out of fashion. Words such as sin, … More “Forgiveness – How and when to forgive.”

Forgive versus reconcile: is there a difference?
A Tebow-like character has emerged in the NBA, the US professional men’s basketball association. Jeremy Lin came out of nowhere in February to play as point guard for the New York Knicks. The team had lost several games in a row, and it looked like they would not make the playoffs. Lin, who was sleeping … More “Forgive versus reconcile: is there a difference?”