Durango, Colorado hike to Castle Rock in photos
FAVORITE TOWN. I can say truthfully that everyone I know who has visited Durango in summer, or Fall, say they love the town and the area.
In the Fall, the famous old steam train puffs up to Silverton, and in October riders are dazzled by the Fall colors of the golden aspens.
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Hiking toward Heaven: Durango Deeper
WHATS IN THIS BLOG:Rafting on the Animas river.Hiking along the Purgatory Flats trail.A roadside hot spring.An outstanding Mexican restaurant.
I WENT BACK TO DURANGO. With my step-daughter Kim and my granddaughter Kara. I wanted to see Smelter Rapids, to see how much the water had risen in the ten days since I’d last been there. … More “Hiking toward Heaven: Durango Deeper”