An Eleventh Commandment?
WHATS IN THIS BLOG: • Story of the rich young ruler. • The interpretation. • An eleventh commandment? • The promise. • Takeaway.
A certain ruler asked Him, “Good Teacher, what shall I do to inherit eternal life?” Jesus said to him,” …You know the commandments: ‘DO NOT … More “An Eleventh Commandment?”

God’s Voice – Hearing it for Real
Every once in a while I learn of an occasion when God talks with someone, in an audible voice. Here is a vivid example.
A nursing home was being closed by the state. A lady I shall call Gwen was called to assess some residents of the home, to see if they could be … More “God’s Voice – Hearing it for Real”

Cabezon: Another Hike Toward Heaven
In past eons, a lot of volcanic activity has occurred in New Mexico. Albuquerque (ABQ) is situated on a tremendous rift valley: the Rio Grande rift. There are whole mountains that used to be volcanoes (e.g., Mt Taylor and Valles Caldera in the Jemez). Also, there are hot springs. And there are 50 volcanic plugs … More “Cabezon: Another Hike Toward Heaven”

The Beauty and the Barbecue
She was 18 years old, and had graduated from high school just three weeks ago. We stopped for a dinner of barbecue brisket, at Dinks in the Oklahoma town of Bartlesville. This town used to be one of the richest towns in the USA (oil money from the Bartlesville sandstone discovered in the early 1900’s). … More “The Beauty and the Barbecue”

Letter from God after my Dad died
This letter was written, from my imagination, to try to illustrate what God would say to my Mom. It was sent to her shortly after my Dad died. At the time, I told Mom if the letter seems self-righteous or judgemental, please forgive me, because that was not my intent.
The letter was meant to … More “Letter from God after my Dad died”