Chaco Canyon: A Spectacular Place of Mystery
I had wanted to visit Chaco Canyon for over 30 years. It’s near the Four Corners area of the USA, about two and a half hours from ABQ. The road is paved except for about 12 miles of unpaved washboard (corrugations) which challenged my new Subaru Forrester (rattle….rattle).
The “Ancient Ones” lived here from 800-1200 … More “Chaco Canyon: A Spectacular Place of Mystery”
Cabezon: Another Hike Toward Heaven
In past eons, a lot of volcanic activity has occurred in New Mexico. Albuquerque (ABQ) is situated on a tremendous rift valley: the Rio Grande rift. There are whole mountains that used to be volcanoes (e.g., Mt Taylor and Valles Caldera in the Jemez). Also, there are hot springs. And there are 50 volcanic plugs … More “Cabezon: Another Hike Toward Heaven”
Ancient Pueblo Indians in Southwest USA
One recent Saturday, I went on a tour of an ancient Chaco Indian site, near Grants, New Mexico. Here lived early ancestors (Anasazi) of modern Pueblo Indians. Their civilization lasted from 950 AD to 130 AD, before abruptly disappearing. All that is left are the ruins of their houses and kivas, pottery shards, and an … More “Ancient Pueblo Indians in Southwest USA”