Should we trust science?

Andy Stanley is a preacher and a highly-rated Christian apologist. Son of Charles Stanley, a famous Baptist minister, Andy has forged his own way and formed an independent Christian church that makes videos of his messages available on YouTube.

He once said when we are sick, we go to a doctor and if the doc … More “Should we trust science?”

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Taylor Swift – her Story and her Impact

I’m not a Swiftie. But I am a football fan, and I watched the Kansas City Chiefs, who win most of the Superbowls nowadays. And there in the coaches’ box was this young blonde woman cheering and screaming for the Chiefs, because her boyfriend happens to be Travis Kelce, one of the best tight ends … More “Taylor Swift – her Story and her Impact”

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Brain implants that artificially convert thoughts into action

We are all familiar with devices that convert verbal words into actions. I can tell Alexa in my laptop what to do. Or Siri in my iPhone. Or the microphone in my Xfinity TV Voice Remote. All of this came about in the last 10 years.

But converting mental thoughts into actions still seems like … More “Brain implants that artificially convert thoughts into action”

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Explosions on the Sun that can affect our lives.

This blog is about major hiccups that occur on the surface of the sun, and how their radiation affects humanity on the earth. At the end is a discussion about deadly radiation bursts that have hit the earth about once every thousand years – and we are due for one. Solar flares.A solar flare is … More “Explosions on the Sun that can affect our lives.”

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Elon Musk and Bill Gates on Artificial Intelligence (AI) and How to Understand it.

Ten years ago, I made a prediction that 2023 might be an end-times year because I saw a graph that showed robot intelligence would increase and become equal to human intelligence in that year. It was a scary thought.

Now here we are at the end of 2023 and it seems like AI has reached … More “Elon Musk and Bill Gates on Artificial Intelligence (AI) and How to Understand it.”

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Aayan Hirsi Ali, well-known atheist, becomes a Christian, gets criticized by Richard Dawkins.

Who is Aayan Hirsi Ali? Aayan was born in Somalia 54 years ago to a Muslim family. She speaks up for Muslim women against forced marriage, child marriage, honor killing, and genital mutilation.

She underwent genital mutilation when she was 5 years old. Her father opposed it but he was in jail when her grandmother … More “Aayan Hirsi Ali, well-known atheist, becomes a Christian, gets criticized by Richard Dawkins.”

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Yellowstone River Rockhounding, Mammoths, and the Battle of the Little Big Horn.

I promised I would take Kim and Mary Ann to Montana. Kim is a rockhounder and she wanted to find Montana agates. The best ones are lying in gravel bars of the famous river after it exits Yellowstone National Park, and heads northeast to eventually join the Missouri River. This story is about, not just … More “Yellowstone River Rockhounding, Mammoths, and the Battle of the Little Big Horn.”

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What do Near-Death Experiences tell us – Part 2

Part 1 of this series ends with a list of what near-death experiences or NDEs have in common. This list was gleaned from a book by Lee Strobel called The Case for Heaven.

John Burke has written several books, the most famous one being Imagine Heaven. It’s a book about NDEs which he has studied … More “What do Near-Death Experiences tell us – Part 2”

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Vail, Colorado in summer is also an eye-opening experience.

I had driven east-to-west through Vail many times on Interstate 70 between Denver and Grand Junction. Have stayed just to the west of Vail in Glenwood Springs, where a famous large hot springs pool sits right next to an Olympic-sized swimming pool. One summer, we ran the Colorado River that goes through Glenwood Springs, in … More “Vail, Colorado in summer is also an eye-opening experience.”

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A Remarkable Story about Resilience – Jack Higgins, Australian Footballer.

Prescript: See free offer of FracMan book below.

I heard several years ago that schools were emphasizing self-esteem in classrooms. Early praise, boosting morale, and encouraging kids to be creative. Not much about dealing with failure.

But they were missing something. And some time later they discovered what was missing – resilience. Life will hand … More “A Remarkable Story about Resilience – Jack Higgins, Australian Footballer.”

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